Global Investor Relations Outsourcing:

The Rise of Boundless Service Delivery

Investor Relations Without Borders: Offshore is Everywhere

In the past, discussions around the effectiveness of onshore versus offshore Investor Relations (IR) services focused mainly on geographical proximity. There was a general belief that certain services were best suited to being close to home, requiring frequent in-person engagement. However, the pandemic fundamentally altered how we conduct business. As virtual meetings became the norm and remote work capabilities expanded, the lines between onshore and offshore services began to blur. Today, geographical boundaries have become almost irrelevant in the context of delivering high-quality IR services.

The Impact of Virtual Meetings on IR Service Delivery

The pandemic introduced a massive change in global business practices. It taught us that, irrespective of physical location, technology could enable seamless communication and collaboration. According to a McKinsey study, 85% of executives reported that their companies accelerated the implementation of digital tools to enable remote work during the pandemic (see Table of Sources below).

Zoom calls, Microsoft Teams, and other virtual meeting tools became the backbone of corporate engagement, turning what was once the exclusive domain of in-person interactions into a flexible, virtual space. As a result, many Investor Relations services that were previously considered onshore necessities are now delivered offshore without any compromise in quality, timeliness, or client satisfaction.

“Virtual meetings have revolutionized Investor Relations, transforming once onshore-dependent services into efficient, globally accessible solutions—proving that excellence knows no borders.”

This shift is significantly transforming the IR industry. Not only are companies benefiting from the cost efficiencies of offshoring, but they are also able to access a global talent pool without worrying about time zone challenges or the need for frequent travel. According to Deloitte, businesses that adopt offshore outsourcing can achieve cost savings of up to 60%, which has further fuelled the adoption of offshore IR services (see Table of Sources below). Essentially, all IR services have become capable of operating offshore, and this new model is challenging our traditional conceptions of service delivery.

The Erosion of the Onshore-Offshore Divide

The earlier distinctions between what can and cannot be done offshore are becoming increasingly redundant. Today, the deciding factors for successful service delivery are skill alignment and time zone adaptation, not physical proximity. High-quality investor targeting, perception studies, conference call messaging, and even client advisory services are now being carried out by professionals across the globe, unified by technology. This flattening of geographic constraints means that the traditional division of labour between onshore and offshore teams is less meaningful than ever.

“The boundaries of offshore and onshore in Investor Relations have blurred—today, it’s expertise and adaptability that define success, not location.”

IR professionals can now tailor their services based on the skills required rather than their location. Whether it’s analytical research, content creation, investor roadshow planning, or even leadership-level advisory interactions, the global IR outsourcing model has the expertise to deliver on all fronts—no matter where the teams are based. The agility to scale up or down depending on client needs is an added advantage, making offshoring an attractive proposition in an era where efficiency, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness are key.

Virtual Tools: The Backbone of Modern IR Practices

With virtual tools driving service delivery, time zone differences have turned from potential obstacles into opportunities. Offshore teams in locations like Mumbai or Manila can work on IR tasks while the client is offline, ensuring faster turnarounds and an uninterrupted workflow. A survey by PwC found that 78% of business leaders believe remote collaboration tools have improved productivity, highlighting the effectiveness of this new model (see Table of Sources below). The synergy between onshore account management and offshore execution has been redefined—in most cases, the very concept of “onshore” is no longer relevant. The focus has shifted entirely to ensuring skill sets match the task and that virtual collaboration is seamless.

“Time zone differences have become an asset, with offshore teams delivering around-the-clock Investor Relations services, ensuring seamless collaboration and faster turnarounds, regardless of geographic boundaries.”

Countries like India, which have a vast pool of highly qualified professionals proficient in English, are well-placed to lead this new wave of offshoring. The talent pool, combined with the sophistication of virtual engagement, means IR agencies can achieve a quality of service that is comparable to—if not better than—onshore models, all while being cost-effective. According to NASSCOM, India is home to over 4.5 million IT professionals, making it a natural choice for companies looking to leverage offshore capabilities (see Table of Sources below). Similarly, as of 2023, India is home to over 3 million financial professionals, including accountants, financial analysts, and advisors, contributing significantly to the country’s growing financial services sector.

As of now, there isn’t a precise figure publicly
available for the exact number of Investor Relations (IR) professionals in India. However, the field has been growing steadily due to the increasing complexity of capital markets and corporate governance regulations, coupled with the rise in listed companies seeking to improve transparency and investor engagement. The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) and various financial associations, such as the CFA Society India, have seen growing interest in IR-related roles. Many professionals involved in IR often come from finance, legal, communications, or marketing backgrounds, and some estimates suggest there could be several thousand individuals working directly or indirectly in Investor Relations across the country, especially in metropolitan cities like Mumbai, Delhi, and Bengaluru.

A New Era for IR Services

The future of Investor Relations is borderless. The evolution of virtual meeting technologies and a globalized talent approach have ushered in a new era where location has little bearing on quality. The once-clear distinction between services that “must” be performed onshore and those suited to offshore delivery has faded. At Dickenson, we are proud to embrace this change, providing seamless, high-quality IR solutions that leverage the best talent globally, unrestricted by geography.

“The future of Investor Relations is borderless—it’s not about where services are delivered, but how effectively global talent and technology meet client needs.”

The real challenge today lies not in where services are delivered from but in understanding the unique needs of each client, matching them with the right skill sets, and ensuring that time zone dynamics work in the client’s favour. Offshore is no longer a location—it is a capability.

In Closing

The IR industry is witnessing a transformation where traditional concepts of onshore versus offshore have become less significant. What matters now is aligning expertise with client needs, ensuring continuous availability, and leveraging global talent to deliver value. Virtual tools have transformed not just how we connect but also how we perceive physical boundaries in service delivery.

We are entering a borderless world of Investor Relations, where what counts is talent, efficiency, and agility—not geography. Offshore is now everywhere, and the concept of anchoring services to a particular shore is becoming a relic of the past.

About the Author

With over 25 years of experience in corporate finance and a deep-rooted understanding of ESG imperatives, Manoj Saha brings a wealth of knowledge to the discourse on corporate governance. Educated in the UK in Accountancy & Finance, he has dedicated his career to guiding organizations through the intricacies of financial management and stakeholder engagement across global markets, including India, the USA, the UK, and the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.

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Authored by:

Manoj Saha
Managing Director

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