Companies Hosting their own Results Calls Vs.Broker-Hosted Calls:

The Power of Control in Your Hands

When it comes to your quarterly results calls, IROs, CFOs, and CSs often find themselves at a crossroads: Do you manage the show yourself, or let a broker run the call for you? It’s like being the captain of your own ship versus having a seasoned pilot take the wheel—both have their perks, but the question is, who knows your course better than you? Let’s break this down with a dose of reality. Your investors don’t want a cookie-cutter event—they want something that represents your brand and vision. Here’s where the choice becomes clear: Do you want to be just another company on a broker’s list of “quarterly calls,” or do you want to stand out and own the narrative? More importantly, do you want to move the perception needle, and still look like a rock star? Yeah, I thought so.

Companies Hosting Their Own Conference Calls (via Dickenson)
Spoiler alert: You’re going to want to do this.


  1. Complete Control—The Power Is Yours:
    Hosting your call in-house gives you the keys to the kingdom. You dictate how, when, and what gets communicated. No middleman. No off-script narratives. With Dickenson, you’re not just running a call; you’re running your call exactly the way you envisioned it. You’re the maestro; we’re just the orchestra, making sure everything hits the right notes.

  2. Branding with Swagger:
    Don’t settle for a dull event. With Dickenson, you get tailored solutions—branded events that scream your company, not some generic setup slapped together last minute by a broker. Customization isn’t just an option—it’s the standard. Your logo, your colours, your identity splashed across the screen for every participant to remember. That’s how you leave a mark.

  3. Direct Investor Engagement—Cutting Out the Noise:
    Here’s the secret sauce: The more direct your engagement, the more trust you build. When you host your own call, there’s no broker filtering the dialogue or managing relationships behind the scenes. You’re face-to-face (virtually), answering your investors’ questions, driving your story. The transparency is palpable, and the connection is real.

  4. Cost-Efficient Mastery:
    Look, brokers aren’t working pro bono. By taking control, you skip the hefty brokerage fees. With Dickenson’s scalable pricing,you only pay for what you actually need—nothing more, nothing less. Smart financial stewardship is a hallmark of any great CFO, and this is one area where the numbers work squarely in your favour.

But wait, there are cons to managing your own call, right? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

Cons: (And How Dickenson Becomes Your Secret Weapon):

  1. “It Takes Too Many Resources”-Not on Our Watch:
    Sure, managing a call can feel like a daunting task. But here’s where Dickenson shines: We do the heavy lifting. From prepping your IR deck to managing participant registrations, tech support, and even moderating the Q&A-we handle it all. You get to focus on the message while we manage the mechanics.

  2. “We Lack the Tech Expertise”-Enter the Gurus:
    Tech headaches? Not on our watch. Dickenson brings you end-to-end support-setting up the webinar, customizing the platform, and making sure every piece of tech runs smoothly. We even do dry runs with your team to make sure everything’s perfect before the big day. You don’t need to be a tech whiz-that’s why we’re here.

Broker-Hosted Conference Calls
AKA: The “Let Someone Else Handle It” Route


  1. Convenience—Just Show Up:
    Brokers handle everything, from setup to sending out invites. If your team’s bandwidth is maxed out, this might seem like an appealing option. No internal resources are stretched, and you can kick back (relatively speaking).

  2. Access to the Broker’s Network—Kind of Like Borrowing Friends:
    Brokers have their own list of investor contacts, which can be handy if you’re looking to tap into a pre-built network. Of course, their priority is their relationship with those investors, not necessarily yours.

  3. Perception of Independence—Keeping It Neutral:
    There’s a perception that when brokers host your call, it’s more “independent” and less biased. This can sometimes be a pro—if you’re trying to distance yourself from the narrative. But is that really what you want? Shouldn’t you be shaping the story yourself?

Cons: (Where Brokers Can Fall Short):

  1. Lack of Control—You’re a Guest at Your Own Party:
    When brokers run the show, you’re at their mercy. They dictate the flow, and let’s face it, their agenda might not align with yours. They’re balancing multiple clients, and suddenly, your results call feels like just another transaction. That’s no way to build an authentic, lasting relationship with your investors.

  2. Cookie cut—And for What?
    Convenience comes at a cost. With brokers, you’re not necessarily in for a better experience, but for a broker to set the narrative and press the buttons based on the quality of the analyst handling your call on the day. And don’t expect customization here; it’s a onesize-fits-all event. Does that sound like the kind of event your company deserves?

Dickenson’s Promise: Be the Master of Your Own Narrative

Why settle for a broker-run call when you can have Dickenson as your strategic partner? We eliminate the guesswork, streamline the process, and ensure every detail is executed flawlessly. You stay in control, with all the resources you need to make a lasting impact on your investors—without the overhead costs of going through a broker.

At the end of the day, the best communication is your communication. Dickenson is here to make sure that every quarterly call is a reflection of your brand, your story, and your vision. Because no one knows your company better than you—and we’re here to help you tell that story, better than anyone else.

Ready to Own Your Call?
Drop us a line, and let’s make sure your next results call is one that your investors won’t forget. The future of your investor relations strategy is right in front of you seize it.

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Companies Hosting their own Results Calls Vs. Broker-Hosted Calls

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Authored by:

Manoj Saha
Managing Director

Manoj Saha is the Managing Director of Dickenson World, a leading Capital Markets Communication solutions company. He leads Dickenson World in Investor Relations, Corporate Reporting and ESG Advisory.

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