

The Impending Explosion of Accounting Fraud


The Impending Explosion of Accounting FraudPreamble The last 18 months has seen three major corporate collapses in the UK, and much of this has been attributed to audit failures, leading to a wide-sweeping review of how audits are conducted. In particular, a huge amount has been written about the first ...


Generalist PR vs. Specialist IR


Generalist PR vs. Specialist IR A brief look at how Specialist IR firms differ from Generalist PR firms. Preamble: The Indian PR industry is beginning to mature. Gone are the days where a PR agency could behave like supermarkets offering everything under one roof and get away with delivering ...


The Ostrich Syndrome


The Ostrich Syndrome Public Relations for Unlisted Companies Planning An IPO The apathy of unlisted companies towards Public Relations is inexplicable, and their sudden proclivity for PR at the time of fund raising is palpable. Such short-sightedness makes them look opportunistic and has many pitfalls. If Public Relations is ...


Communications Conundrum of Mid-caps in India


Communications Conundrum of Mid-caps in India If sustained media visibility is critical for enhancing corporate reputation; then nothing is more daunting for mid-cap companies than to achieve that. It is an ongoing struggle for the mid-cap companies. Their sheer number – more than 1500 actively traded mid-caps – and ...




DEBATE ON SHARE BUYBACK Corporate share buyback is an effective tool to prevent companies' share prices from devaluation and re-instilling promoter confidence. As the number of share buybacks climb, the debate over the concept heats up further. In June 2013, the Securities & Exchange Board of India (SEBI), the ...


Do we need IR Analytics?


Do we need IR Analytics? IR Connect looks at how an IR plan can become much sharper and result-oriented with the help of IR Analytics. Every IRO and CFO should take a careful look into its values and benefits. It’s a well accepted dictum that stock valuations are a function ...



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