AI Strategy Consultant Service


In today’s fast-evolving business landscape, artificial intelligence (AI) plays a pivotal role in achieving success. At Dickenson World, we have developed an AI-Driven Solutions service to offer tailored AI support, ensuring that businesses can leverage AI to drive innovation and stay competitive.

This discussion note outlines how our skilled AI consultants, based in the UK and India, partner with businesses to implement effective AI strategies. It also highlights our approach to seamless team integration and flexible service models, emphasizing our dedication to helping businesses navigate the complexities of AI adoption while maintaining a strategic advantage.

We look forward to discussing how our AI Strategy Consultant service can help your business thrive in a disruptive market.


In today’s fast-paced business environment, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a key driver of success. At Dickenson World, we recognize this pivotal role and have developed Synaptic Strategist, our AI Strategy Consultant service. This offering provides tailored support to help businesses understand, implement, and optimize AI solutions, ensuring that they are at the forefront of industry disruption, rather than being left behind.

AI has a transformative impact on corporate productivity, speed, and capacity. According to a McKinsey report, AI adoption can increase business productivity by up to 40%, leading to significant competitive advantages. Another study by Deloitte found that companies implementing AI solutions experience an average 25% improvement in operational efficiency. Furthermore, Gartner predicts that by 2025, AI will be the driving force behind nearly 95% of customer interactions, underscoring its critical importance to customer experience and satisfaction.

With Synaptic Strategist, Dickenson World provides businesses with the expertise they need to harness the power of AI, ensuring they stay ahead in a rapidly evolving landscape.

Our people define our success

Our AI Strategy Consultants are highly skilled professionals based out of UK and India with backgrounds in data science, technology consulting, software engineering, business intelligence, and AI research. They work with us for the opportunity to apply their expertise to innovative, impactful projects that drive business success for our clients.

We closely examine the latest trends, technologies, and best practices in AI strategy and implementation across various industries. Our work is grounded in a thorough understanding of each client’s business model, industry dynamics, and market forces. This foundation enables us to deliver intelligent, data-driven strategies tailored to our clients’ needs, ensuring superior results within their defined resources.

Our deep knowledge of AI and its applications makes us the ideal partner for businesses seeking to leverage the power of artificial intelligence for competitive advantage.

How do we work with you?

At Dickenson, for a low monthly retainer, we integrate seamlessly with your team to provide consistent support and guidance for implementing AI in your business. Each week, you’ll have access to dedicated hours with our AI consultants, which you can use for one-on-one consulting, discovery, training, experimentation, coding, or any other AI-related needs.

Our approach involves training your team how to effectively use AI tools and technologies. We embed ourselves digitally into your teams through communication platforms, ensuring your questions are answered within 24 hours. Our service is flexible, allowing you to switch on or off as needed, with revolving short-term contracts and no lock-in periods.

Why work with us?

Choosing to work with an external team of experts on a retainer basis, as offered by Dickenson World, presents several key advantages for businesses looking to leverage AI for competitive advantage. Our consultants function as insiders, allowing businesses to benefit from both internal integration and external expertise, all while maintaining flexibility and reducing costs.

Deep Understanding, Fresh Perspectives

One of the primary benefits of embedding external experts within an organization is the ability to develop a deep understanding of the business while maintaining an objective viewpoint. This inside-outside perspective enables consultants to align strategies closely with the company’s goals while introducing innovative ideas and approaches that might be overlooked internally. This blend of familiarity and fresh thinking is crucial in navigating the complexities of AI implementation, where innovative problem solving is essential.

Flexibility and Adaptability

The retainer model offers significant flexibility. Unlike maintaining an in-house team, businesses can adjust the level of support based on evolving needs and project demands. This adaptability ensures that companies have access to the right expertise at the right time, without the burden of long-term employment commitments or high overhead costs. This flexibility is especially beneficial for businesses operating in dynamic environments where project scopes and priorities can change quickly.

Cost-Effective Expertise

Maintaining a full-time team of AI experts can be expensive, especially for smaller businesses. By working with external consultants on a retainer basis, companies can access specialized knowledge and skills without incurring the high costs associated with hiring and retaining full-time employees. This model allows businesses to tap into top tier expertise as needed, optimizing resources and aligning costs with specific project requirements.

Tailored Solutions and Long-Term Relationships

Retained consultants can offer tailored solutions that fit the unique needs of the business, thanks to their close integration and ongoing involvement. Over time, these consultants become deeply familiar with the organization’s operations, culture, and strategic objectives, leading to more effective and relevant solutions. Additionally, the long-term relationship fosters trust and collaboration, enhancing communication and leading to better project outcomes.

The Best of Both Worlds

By working with an external team of experts who function as insiders, businesses enjoy the best of both worlds: deep internal integration and cost-effective external expertise. This hybrid approach enhances strategic alignment, fosters innovation, and provides businesses with the agility needed to stay competitive in a rapidly evolving digital landscape. It’s a smart choice for organizations looking to leverage AI while maintaining the flexibility to adapt and grow.

Our Approach:

For many Chief Executives and business leaders, understanding how artificial intelligence (AI) can benefit their organizations is a daunting challenge. The rapid pace of technological change and the complexity of AI technologies leave many perplexed about how to harness their potential. At Dickenson World, we specialize in helping you answer the crucial question: “How can AI help me?” Our tailored approach ensures that AI is not only integrated effectively but also aligned with your strategic goals.

Strategic AI Planning:

We start with a tailored evaluation of your existing workflows to identify where AI can deliver value. By fostering a culture that supports AI adoption and assessing the potential return on investment, we guide your decision-making process with a clear focus on maximizing efficiency. Our 3-month roadmap sets a practical timeline for AI integration.

AI Solutions Development:

Our solutions are designed to boost your team’s output through automation and tailored tool selection. We provide personalized training programs to empower your team and help you explore new income opportunities with AI-driven products. Our focus on strategic advantage ensures that AI enhances your competitive edge.

Ongoing Support and Integration:

Our consultants provide ongoing support through consulting, training, and troubleshooting. We integrate seamlessly with your team through digital channels, answering queries within 24 hours. Our flexible engagement model allows you to adapt our services to your needs without long-term contracts.

With our comprehensive approach, Dickenson World helps business leaders address their most perplexing questions about AI, empowering them to harness its potential for sustainable success.

Value Proposition:

When it comes to investing in the future of your business, securing an AI strategy consultant can be a transformative decision. At Dickenson World, our pricing for AI consulting services is designed to accommodate the unique needs and complexities of each client, regardless of whether they an SME or a Large Cap entity. We offer a flexible monthly retainer that ranges from Rs. 2.5 lakhs to Rs. 10 lakhs, excluding GST. The cost depends on a range of factors, including the complexity of the project, the density of the required tasks, the size of the corporate team, and the specific service level requirements. This tailored approach ensures that each client receives personalized attention that aligns with their needs and goals.

For businesses requiring short-term, intensive consulting services, we also offer turnkey proposals based on an approved statement of work (SOW). This option allows for focused, high-impact consulting sessions, perfect for projects with urgent timelines or specific, specialized needs.

The investment in AI consulting services should be seen not as an expense but as a strategic investment in the company’s future. With AI technologies becoming increasingly vital for competitive advantage, partnering with experts who understand the landscape can provide businesses with the insights and tools they need to innovate, streamline operations, and enhance customer experiences.

At Dickenson, we pride ourselves on flexibility. Whether you have a single project or need long-term collaboration, our AI Strategy Consultant service is designed to meet your needs. Contact us to frame a commitment that suits your business requirements.

AI Strategy Consultant Service Discussion Document
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To learn more or schedule a consultation, please reach out to us at Our AI Strategy Consultant service is here to help you leverage the power of AI for your business success.

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